Philosophical musings on Quanta & Qualia;  Materialism & Spiritualism; Science & Religion; Pragmatism & Idealism, etc.


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Mind :
In the Enformationism thesis, this common term is used in some uncommon senses. Ordinarily, Mind is equated with Consciousness, but I sometimes use it in a more general sense to include all kinds of information & energy processing.                     [ see Panpsychism ]

Mind/Body Problem:
Philosophers and scientists have long debated the relationship between a physical body and its non-physical properties, such as Life & Mind. Cartesian Dualism resolved the problem temporarily by separating the religious implications of metaphysics (Soul) from the scientific study of physics (Body). But now scientists are beginning to study the mind with their precise instruments, and have found no line of demarcation. So, they see no need for the hypothesis of a spiritual Soul added to the body by God. However, Enformationism resolves the problem by a return to Monism, except that the fundamental substance is meta-physical Information instead of physical Matter.
[ see Brain/Mind Paradox ; see Meta-physics ]

Mysticism :
In ancient Greek religions Mystikos referred to an occult supernatural realm, concealed from the physical senses, and only knowable to a select few through esoteric rituals, ecstasies, meditation, intuition, or drugs, that served to unite the human mind with the divine. Most popular religions have had mystical offshoots for secret cabals of iniitiates. Enformationism specifically rejects such concealed knowledge & magical practices, as a pretense to fool the pretentious. Magicians use veils & curtains for a good reason, to hide their tricks. The only realm hidden from the prying eyes of natural Science is anything before the beginning of Nature in the Big Bang. The supernatural realm of G*D is subject only to speculation, not knowledge.                                                             [ see Magic ]

“N” terminology continued . . .

Natural Laws :
Natural processes are generated by quantum level computation of the original, simple creation algorithm, with goals & parameters set by the Programmer. Laws are limits on Liberty that aim randomness toward ultimate goals.
1. The evolutionary equation has three components: Logic (and/or/not); Laws (constants; parameters); and Liberty (variables). Logic is the syntax of evolution. Laws are the parts that don’t change, but serve to limit options. Liberty or Chance is the various combinations of meaning and form that arise from randomly associating (free) causes.  
[ See Programming The Universe, by Seth Lloyd ]

Natural Selection :
According to Enformationism theory, Nature is programmed with if-then codes that choose from among a variety of proposed models for the next generation. These codes are the direct causes physical, chemical, biological, and psychological evolution. The only thing supernatural about NS is the eternal First Cause, who programmed the evolutionary system.                                                    [ see Natural Laws ]

NeoDeism :
The name "NeoDeism" is intended only to indicate that the modern understanding of what Deism "means" is quite different from the original or Classical Deism. For example, Scientific exploration of the world has pushed the activities of the deity farther-out toward infinity, and away from daily life in reality. As I see it, G*D has intervened only once in this world : in programming the Big Bang. Any subsequent miracles are fictional stories. In this blog NeoDeism is envisioned as a combination of Deism (non-intervening creator) and Secular Humanism (philosophy based on Reason & Science). As a semi-religious worldview it would attempt to explain both "How" and "Why" the world exists and functions as it does.    
[ see BEISM ]

Hierarchy of Mind :

Exchanges of energy at the atomic level are the beginnings of Mind (as in Panpsychism). The hierarchy of Enformation is :
1> EnFormAction,
2> Energy,
3> Matter,
4> Life,
5> Mind,
6> Consciousness,
7> Self-Consciousness.